1.No cleaning According to tradition, cleaning the house on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year is considered unlucky.It is believed that this act may sweep away the good luck and prosperity that has just arrived with the new year.Therefore, it is advisable to delay any major cleaning activities until the fifth day.
2.Avoid sweeping On this day, it is advised to avoid sweeping the floor or using a broom.In Chinese culture, the word for "sweeping" sounds similar to the word for "losing," so it is believed that sweeping during this time may sweep away good luck or wealth.Instead, using a dustpan or vacuum cleaner is preferred.
3.No crying or fighting It is believed that any arguments or negative emotions on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year may bring bad luck and disharmony for the rest of the year.Therefore, it is best to mntn a positive and peaceful atmosphere at home, avoiding any conflicts or disputes.
4.No sharp objects The use of sharp objects, such as knives or scissors, is considered unlucky on this day.It is believed that they may "cut" or sever one's luck or fortune.It is better to refrn from using them or be extra cautious while handling them.
5.Avoid early morning visits It is considered disrespectful and inauspicious to visit others' homes early in the morning on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year.Instead, it is better to wt till later in the day to make your visits.
6.Avoid breaking things Accidentally breaking objects on this day is seen as an omen of bad luck and misfortune.It is advisable to be cautious and handle fragile items with care to avoid any mishaps.
7.Avoid eating porridge In some cultures, it is believed that eating porridge on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year may lead to poverty or hardship in the coming year.This superstition stems from the association of porridge with poverty in the past.
Following these customs and avoiding the mentioned taboos on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year is believed to bring prosperity, happiness, and good luck for the rest of the year.While some of these beliefs may seem superstitious, they have been passed down through generations and are still observed by many people today.It is a way to honor tradition, mntn harmony, and bring good fortune into one's life.